^mY sToRy^

Being somebody means to be yourself::Life is much more complicated than that but I try hard to fulfill my own destiny::In the end, whatever happens "Life must go on"

Sunday, January 28, 2007

::ThE nExT cHaPtER::

'Thank you for calling Hewlett-Packard'

'This is our general line sir/miss/madam, so we couldn't trace your caller'

'Can you spell the name for me please?'

'Hold on please'

It's been a loooooong time since I update anything in here...Can't blame me though, I left the lavish life of UTP a month ago, so no more free internet for me...Sigh~~ Plus, eventhough my house where I'm staying in KL for the moment got streaymx, I haven't bring in my computer into the house yet...So here I am, menumpang sebentar my housemate's computer and try nak layout what I've done so far.....

Mesti pelik kan what are the lines above meant?Hahaha...Tu la kerja aku for the moment...Right after finishing my studies, I planned out to do some temp job before my sponsor give me any permanent job. Alhamdullillah, I got recommended to work with my sponsor, but still have to wait for another 1-2 months and maximum 5 months la kot before they can get us placement....So I decided to make some money and agree to work temp job as a receptionist....I was suprised at first when the company offered me the job...Ye la kan....Berapa ramai sgt la receptionist lelaki?Maybe masa aku interview tuh aku banyak cakap kot, and they think this job suits me?Entah la...So aku amik je la offer tuh...Dah biasa ada duit(elaun) masa belajar...so kegatalan nk pegang duit lagi tuh menguatkan semangat aku utk accept this job....Dah habis belajar nih, survival spirit tuh kena kuat..Mana leh mintak duit dari mak bapak lagi...Malu lah kan?So that's why aku decide move to KL sebab kalau aku balik ke rumah, sure aku hanya akan berhasil menternak lemak di badan sahaja...huhu..

So what I can conclude about this job is that sometimes it sucks sometime it's nice...Huhuhu...Sucks when some people(customer) who only thinks about themselves try to be freakin' a** idiot and nak tunjuk kita tak buat kerja....So stupid....Kerja aku as far as I concern cuma lah menyambungkan talian customer dengan mana2 nombor yang die nak, book meeting room for staff, and jadi penyambut tetamu yang dtg ke front desk..And ada gak yg so pandai, marah the receptionist back when their calls are not being picked up by that particular person?Kan ke bodoh namanya tu?Dah org tuh tak angkat, macam mana la aku nk tolong kan?Bukan salah aku la.... Let me give some of the scenarios yang aku pernah dapat, buat pengajaran semua, huhuhu:

Me: Yes sir, how can I help?

A : Why when you transfer my call to the service center no one pick up?I was kept on hold for 10 minutes.Why?You give me some other number now!

Me: I'm sorry sir, that's the only number that I have..That's the general number

A: No..no!You give me other number..I want to speak to the manager! NOW!

Me: I dont have any other number..(I'm getting annoyed dah time nih)

A: Ha!Then you give me Tammy's number(Tammy nih adalah one of the staff)

Me: Oh-okay..Can you spell the name for me sir(time nih line die breaking up so tak dgr sgt)

A: T for Thailand, M for Malaysia, M for Malaysia

Me: Oh, okay..Tammy rite?Hold on k?

A: Hey!I said Tammy, Tammy la!...You give me another person who I can talk to...You seems like you dont understand English

Me:(Aku dah macam 'What the hell dgn die nih!'...Kurang ajar betul die ckp aku tak reti English, die marah2 and tak dgr apa org cakap)...Sir,Please don't be rude to me, because I don't want to be rude to you(dengan nada yang sangat annoyed-Tau aja la suara aku kan?)..dan click!(aku putuskan talian dengan sengaja)

10 seconds later

A: You cut off my call huh?

Me: No sir..Your line was breaking, it was cut off by itself (padan muka ko hanjeng!)

A: What's your name huh?Give me your name.

Me: Why would you want my name?(dengan nada melawan balik for sure!)

A: I want to know who are you...You want me to go there huh?

Me:click!(aku putuskan lagi talian die)..'what the hell, I'm not gonna entertained some freak like you!'

Tu la some of situation yang aku kena handle everyday...Luckily, tak sumer kurang hajar macam sekor tuh...Pening melayan kerenah orang yang tak faham bahasa and situasi...I can be as polite as you wish tapi kalo dah sampai limit and some insult, I can be as meanest as you could imagine...Ni pun aku nak bagi nasihat kat sesaper la...Kalo korang call sesaper, receptionist ke and call korang tak dijawab oleh org yang sepatutnya korang nak cakap..jgn la dimarah receptionist itu, kerana itu bukan salahnya....Ada gak sesetengah staff yang perasan die sgt hebat and tak hormat receptionist..Ni jenis2 orang yang anggap orang lain bodoh dan die pandai, and I believe jenis mcm nih anggap kerja die lagi bagus dan berpendidikan tinggi berbanding receptionist...Aku pernah dpt call dari org mcm nih and what happen?Aku tak bole la nak cerita kat sini...Banyak sgt dialog2 kang..huhuh..Nak tau cerita penuh?Tanya aku sendiri nanti..Hihihi..Let's just say, aku lawan balik dengan nada annoying and orang nih(the so-called higher ranking people) terdiam lepas aku jawab....Huhuhu..Jangan sesekali ingat orang2 yang kerja cikai mcm receptionist nih tak der perasaan and tak der education...I'm a chemical engineering(minor with petroleum engineering) for God sake!Wahahahah...

Tu la antara benda yang tak best sebenarnya..Antara yang best, ada orang gak puji kerja kita and puji suara kita sedap didengar on phone...Hihihihi...Kembang semangkuk....Hahahha...Kerja nih tak la berat sgt, coz bila balik umah you dont have to think about what are the things yang you kena buat esok...Sebab kerja die just for the day only...So balik rumah tak yah berat2kan kepala nk fikir psl kerja lagi la kan?Cuma this job is emotionally tiring when some jerks make it hard for you...Customer is always right!Yeah rite...You(customer) can only be right when you respect other people...Dah la aku nih jenis yang suka laser2 orang kan?So kadang2 sgt payah untuk pretend to be this good-boy receptionist...Aku memang selalu nk marah org yg tak faham bahasa, tapi kadang2 kerja nih mengajar aku untuk jadi lebih sabar and tenang(kecuali untuk yang betul2 kurang ajar)...Yang ebst nye jugak pasal kerja nih, you can call anyone on their handphones for free....hahahahah..provided that bos tak der, and tak der customer call in...Hihih...Jangan bagitau sesapa k?Wahahahaha....

All in all I learn a lot from this job..Baru masuk minggu ketiga aku kerja next week...But honestly, I'm getting tired of this job...Aku nih jenis yang tak suka buat kerja kat satu tempat jer...Cepat busan, and just imagine, saying almost the same sentences from 9am-6pm 5 times a week?Gilo apo..Aku yang memang diketahui ramai, suka bercakap ni pun penat...Penat eden tau~huhuh..Dah la susah nk gerak kemana2 sebab line sentiasa bz...More than 100 calls perday and cuma ada 2 receptionists...Well, have to deal with that for a while, yang penting duit masuk...hahahah..But I'm looking for other job gak nih...Tak tau biler nak berenti..I'm praying hard my sponsor could call me ASAP so I can get out of this...Huhuhu...This is surely a lifetime experience...

Panjang lak aku cerita kali nih...Mayb later kita stroy-telling lagi with more stories..Banyak gak gossip2 bila dah kerja nih, gossip2 korporat la kn?huhu....Hope you guys not missing me so much...Hahaha..Perasan~~

Insyallah I try to post up more later on...Wish me luck..and I wish you guys who read this blog the same thing~~

Adios for now~~


Blogger Charlz said...

wow~ hahaha.. interesting work xperience man! =)ups n downs i guess in everythn.. stay kewl~ ;-)

5:10 PM  
Blogger ~Ee~ said...

Thanx Charles for dropping by..seems like you are one of the frequent visitor here..nice..appreciate it...
Well,this is life ups and downs...
All the best to u too k?Stay cool

11:24 AM  
Blogger HafizChan said...

hmm, ni mesti kes gila bayang ni, ahahaha

11:13 PM  

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